Nestle is expanding its water purification facility in Sheikhupura. Because this is a water treatment scheme that costs more than Rs. 25 million (and because the extraction of water has the potential to cause adverse environmental effect), Nestle was required by the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 to commission and submit an environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the project. It hired NESPAK to conduct the EIA.
WWF - Pakistan has slammed the EIA report.
I was told of the Nestle EIA a few days ago by a fellow Nabeela Ahmad, an advocate who also teached environmental law at LUMS. My first reaction was to dismiss the concerns, but Nabeela, quite rightly, pointed out that my skepticism would be justified as long as we lived in a world where water and access to water is treated like an entitlement. This is true (and she won the argument by convincing me). We often overlook the fact that most of us get flowing water 24/7. This is quite anomolous for a third world country. The fact that WASA still pumps water to most of the city's resident's speaks volumes about it (though some would say WASA does bugger all, which is also true!).
The point is that water can't be taken for granted. Nestle's activities in Pakistan have been fairly well documented by an ActionAid report. What's most depressing is the report clearlyunderlines the total lack of appreciation amongst the powers that be that water is a scarce resource (as opposed to a right or a commodity), and that our water usage should be regulated in this light. We cannot continue to let companies like Nestle pump water to be sold for profit, especially when it reportedly does so inefficiently and while government agencies responsible for water supply do not/can not do it for profit.
The WWF has commented on Nestle's EIA report. The comments look something like this:
The report tries to distort some basic facts by portraying extension of existing Bottled Water project as Water Purification Plant resulting in underestimation of the scale, complexity and potential impact of the Project.
The report does not describe the hydro-geological conditions in general and potential of the water aquifer in particular. There is no data or scientific information on water balance to assess the impact of withdrawing groundwater, which is the most important impact parameter. Pumping large quantity of water can affect the ground water level and availability in the area leading to major social and environmental disaster, therefore identifying a need to conduct a thorough water balance study. This study should atleast address important questions regarding following questions:
- What is the groundwater availability in the area?
- What is the current level of extraction for various purposes?
- What will be the daily rate of extraction of water? (The report proposes the water extraction on hourly basis).
- What will be the radius of influence due to groundwater extraction by this industry? What is the current rate of groundwater decline in the area? And how will the new plant alter/affect this equation?
Following are few other observations:
- In the report on page E-1 (last 3 lines), gives a totally different picture of water withdrawal. There seems to be a mistake in the unit. Instead of liters, it’s mentioned in m3. Even if we assume that it is in liter, still the water withdrawal is very high.
- The existing plant is producing 34500 bottles per hour. For this the total water withdrawn is 413,950 liters/hr, which looks unreasonably very high. As for every one bottle, Nestle is withdrawing 12 liters of water, which is highly wasteful and inefficient. The ratio of water consumption and bottle water production should not exceed (litre to litre) 3:1.
- Furthermore, data on wastewater discharge from the plants is also confusing.
- Measures concerning impacts of construction and operational activities of the proposed plant on the local / surrounding community are not considered in the impact assessment study.
- It is mentioned in the report that the water samples are taken from “the locations” for water quality testing and is also mentioned in the report that the locations are specified in the table below. However, tables to which text refer to does not explain or indicate the location (refer to section 4).
- The mitigations proposed do not correlate with the impacts identified during the assessment (refer to section 5 of the report). For example, it is mentioned in the report that air emission can cause health impacts including throat, eyes nose irritation, but at the same time the impacts are considered minor. Also as is mentioned in section 5.3.2, percentage or level of emission of PM is not specified.
- As is said in the report that the sewerage and drainage system of the area will improve, however, HOW it will be improved is not specified.
- The company should also incorporate groundwater monitoring, recharge and wastewater reuse / disposal into their Environmental Management Plan (EMP).
We strongly urge EPA Punjab to return this report, halt construction of proposed plant and ask the proponent to conduct a comprehensive scientific water balance study of the area.
It's time to take water management seriously. It's time to stop commercial interests from depriving people from safe and affordable drinking water. It's time to stop consuming millions of little plastic bottles of water (which wind up littering drains). It's time to stop being elitist and overlooking this problem.
Along with Nestle we now have a growing cottage industry of bottled water production...a highly paying business when the municipal water continues to be a health hazard or non-existent. Need to advertise the wwf report.
teached bad ... taught good.
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